Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Mynoip
'# No Ip Updater #
'# Симпу не забудь #
'# @Dendos17 #
'# Please Donot remove #
'# my credit #
Dim wc = New Net.WebClient()
Dim utf8 = New UTF8Encoding
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim page As String = utf8.GetString(wc.DownloadData("http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/dns?username=" & TextBox1.Text & "&password=" & TextBox2.Text & "&hostname=" & TextBox3.Text))
' MsgBox(status(1))
Dim texter() As String = page.Split(":")
RichTextBox1.Text = texter(1)
If texter(1).Contains("0") Then
MsgBox("Success - IP address is current, no update performed", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("1") Then
MsgBox("Success - DNS hostname update successful", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("2") Then
MsgBox("Error - Hostname supplied does not exist", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("3") Then
MsgBox("Error - Invalid username", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("4") Then
MsgBox("Error - Invalid password", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("5") Then
MsgBox("Error - Too many updates sent. Updates are blocked until 1 hour passes since last status of 5 returned.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("6") Then
MsgBox("Error - Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service. Our terms of service can be viewed at http://www.no-ip.com/legal/tos", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("7") Then
MsgBox("Error - Invalid IP. Invalid IP submitted is improperly formated, is a private LAN RFC 1918 address, or an abuse blacklisted address.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("8") Then
MsgBox("Error - Disabled / Locked hostname", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("9") Then
MsgBox("Host updated is configured as a web redirect and no update was performed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("10") Then
MsgBox("Error - Group supplied does not exist", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("11") Then
MsgBox("Success - DNS group update is successful", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("12") Then
MsgBox("Success - DNS group is current, no update performed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("13") Then
MsgBox("Error - Update client support not available for supplied hostname or group", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("14") Then
MsgBox("Error - Hostname supplied does not have offline settings configured. Returned if sending offline=YES on a host that does not have any offline actions configured.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("99") Then
MsgBox("Error - Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If texter(1).Contains("100") Then
MsgBox("Error - User input error usually returned if missing required request parameters", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Check your Internet Connection", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "NO-IP Updater")
End Try
End Sub
End Class